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“Mike Sitrick, Paris Hilton’s New Best Friend” From Gawker

At the end of last week, as the chaos swirled over which network would land the post-jail interview with Paris Hilton, and for how much money, and which network was denying most stridently that it had offered her cash, Hilton’s new “crisis manager” Mike Sitrick gave a statement to the press. “Contrary to media reports,” he said, “Paris Hilton is not being paid for any television interview nor is Paris Hilton being paid for any collateral material, including videos or photos.”

The hiring of Sitrick proved that the Hiltons are taking this latest crisis involving Paris very seriously indeed. It’s a problem that clearly could not be managed by Paris’s longtime spokesman, Elliot Mintz, who is “more of a PR footman,” snipes one entertainment journalist. (He was also not long ago off the job for a while, if the tabloids can be believed.) “It’s not like Mintz really has a strategy or anything.” Others expressed surprise that Sitrick was taking on Hilton as a client: “He usually works with people like Ron Burkle, not Paris Hilton,” said one magazine journalist.

Read the full story.

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